"Learn Where the Smart Money is Investing"
The Insiders Forum
A subscription to this investment service offers several benefits including:


A model 20-stock portfolio of the most attractive small and mid-cap stocks insiders are buying.


Running scorecards on the performance of all of our stock positions.


The Insiders Forum portfolio has outperformed its benchmark (The Russell 2000) since launch!


Deep dive analysis of all new additions to the portfolio and other exclusive content.


Trade alerts and immediate updates on any company moving events in the portfolio.


Live chats with breaking news and get your questions answered in real time.
100% Guarantee with Seeking Alpha's unconditional pro-rated refund policy.
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The Insiders Forum Investment Service
The Insiders Forum is brought to you by Bret Jensen, one of SeekingAlpha's most followed contributors and author of The Biotech Forum which is is the second most subscribed to service of the over 60 available via the MarketPlace.

Insiders Forum will be strictly focused on small and mid-cap stocks that insiders are buying. Some studies have shown that equities with heavy insider purchases outperform the overall market over time. The Insiders Forum will consist of my 15 top small and mid-sized stocks in different sectors of the market that are not only are attractively valued but have had some significant insider purchases in recent months.

We have built an optimized 15-20 stock portfolio one stock at a time and track performance using a hypothetical $150,000 portfolio. The Insider Forum will feature bi-weekly portfolio updates as well as least one exclusive article a week on stocks with recent insider buying. Deep and exclusive analysis will be provided on all new additions to the portfolio. Our goal will be to outperform the Russell 2000 over time and the Insiders Forum's portfolio will be benchmarked against.

Our goal is to outperform the Russell 2000 over time as well as to be a sounding board for new investments in attractively priced equities where insiders are stepping up to the plate.
  • A detailed and granular analysis of undervalued equities insiders have recently bought.
  • Balance portfolio with heavily weighted large-cap growth names with long-term earnings.
As of the market close on 2/12/18, the Insiders Forum portfolio has provided a return since its launch [6/30/2016] of ⇪54.01%, which is about double the return of 22.91% from the Russell 2000, our benchmark.
Bret Jensen
I look forward to long-term success investing alongside you with The Insider's Forum. -Bret Jensen
A 'Magic Formula' To Beat The Market?
Have you ever thought as an investor that there should be a consistent and straightforward way to at least outperform the overall market by some margin over time?

As someone who has been investing in stocks since I was a teenager, it is a question I have grappled with on numerous occasions. Over the decades I have learned many valuable lessons (mainly on what not to do in the market) that have improved my returns and built a very tidy retirement nest egg.

One thing that has always seemed to meet with good success is buying small and midcap stocks I liked anyway and that insiders were also buying. I have been doing this sporadically for many years. However, I never compartmentalized those selections into a portfolio I tracked to put some structure and metrics to this thesis.

I'm really enjoying the Insiders Forum, it's led to a number of profitable trades. I'm a big fan of Bret's, his research is top notch and easy to understand. I like the"Wisdom of the Crowd".
Great tips and ideas that sometimes in this busy world you would miss. Good opportunity to read about things that save you time in doing it yourself, but you should still do your own DD.
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Disclaimer: You will also receive a free subscription to the Market Cap, an investment research newsletter bringing you the latest from me and other editors with Investors Alley, my publisher. The newsletter is free and you can unsubscribe at any time.
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